hdyh zlkfly
Irrelevant people
Friday, March 14, 2014 5:13 PM | Written by Hidayah 0 comments
Hello. So it's been so long since I've updated my blog. And I've deleted all of my post and left just one which was from December 2012. Let's have a recap, I have my PMR on 2013 which made my life a mess in some way but thanks to Allah I've passed and now I'm taking ICT and Accounting Principles at school. Which is gosh who knows how hard it is. I've just finished my first test and yeah, I think I'll flunk but who knows. This fast two and a half months was hell for me. My best friend moved to a vocational college and she's the only friend who understands me. It's not like the others don't, she's like a sister to me and seeing her move literally breaks my heart.

Alright let's talk about school. Truthfully, my class isn't the class I hoped it would be. It's so boring and ugh please, I hate it there. (yeah I don't give a flying frick if any of my classmates are reading this) Those people are completely serious and duhh, seriousness are boring. They don't get my jokes and some of the people are so stuck up. And by 'the people' I mean this one boy in my class. Like, um, please lah ok you're not everything. You hate me? Uh.. I hate you. I don't get you tho. When I TRY my best to be a good classmate, you turn out to be a fucked up motherfucker. Like, I'm sorry I'm not on your level. I'm sorry I'm not an ex-Amanah like you. I'm sorry I'm fun, unlike you who keeps on making that stupid face of yours and don't get jokes. I'm sorry for showing my true colours to you like ahah, should I be an angel infront of you because I'm not dude. You're totally a mood ruiner in that class. My mood ruiner. Even talking about you makes me wanna throw my keyboard to the screen. Tsch. But thank god the girls are great. Some of them do annoy the shit out of me sometimes but it's okay because I annoy the shit out of myself too. Heh. So shoutout to Aminah, Leeya, Arina, Syamimi, Yulia, Jing Yu and etcs. You people are awesome and you make my world go around so props to y'all!

Okay, continuing about my life (which non of you 199 people wants to know lol) It's been good, yeah. I've found a passion. And it's called spazzing about 12 gheiz called EXO. Yes, I'm a k-poper. I'm a fangirl. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has an artist or a singer or a band they love. So it's nothing weird or abnormal. But, sadly I'm the only fangirl in my class after my best friend moved lol. I kept on spazzing and yeah, my classmates bared with me and again, props to them! I meet great people on twitter and they're sometimes cooler than my real life friends. And if you think fangirling is lifeless, lol u wrong bro u wrong. Spazzing and fangirling is something and it gives you happiness so we do have a life, thank you very much.

Since my post is out of the subject, well, it's okay because I did mention some irrelevant people who need some socialize schooling lmao. I do hope some people accept other people in this case me, who has flaws just like them; but they act as if they're so perfect because everyone has their own flaws and if you want people to accept yours, accept people's first.

So here's Sehun doing some aegyo lol okbye
Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:20 PM | Written by Hidayah 0 comments
Assalamualaikum! Tak jawab dosa, kalau jawab dapat pahala *wink wink*

Alright. 9 December '12 haritu bangun pagi siap-siap nak pergi PD. Dah memang plan sebab nak singgah Nilai. So, lepas makan tengah hari, terus gerak. Masa tu memang tepu gila duduk dalam kereta -.- Kakak aku cakap nak singgah Simpang Renggam tengok dulang dia nak kahwin kan :3
Sampai dalam pukul 1 lebih, nak gerak PD pulak pukul 2. Drive punya drive, aku pulak tertidur z_z Bangun je, sejuk gila. Rupanya hujan. Hahah -.- Sampai PD tu agak petang lah. Tak silap dah nak pukul 6. Sampai je, terus masuk bilik sebab abang dosh (brother-in-law-to-be) nak check in. Tak rehat pun. Tukar baju, terus gerak pergi beach dia. Masa tu tak ramai orang (ofc lah, dah petang kot) Air surut so, ombak memang banyak lah. Yang aku pulak dok main pasir dalam air tu, then dapat hermit crab x_x Comel gila yang kecik. Ada dapat yang besar, terus campak sebab takut dia gigit T_T

Credit to abang dosh sebab jadi photographer :B

Memang apa pun tak fikir, lama gila tak mandi laut. Kat Johor yang ada Lido tu kotor; tak faham kenapa ada orang mandi kat situ -.- After dah puas mandi laut, kitorang terus naik bilik. Mandi-mandi then, Along datang with Kak Long and J-boy. Makan kat balcony dengan gelapnya lagi -.- Lampu rosak tak reti-reti nak betulkan. lol :B Kitorang makan nasi lemak dengan lauk yang mak tapau.
After that, kak nor hantar abang dosh pergi hotel dia. Kitorang (me, kak nor & kak jehan) duduk Thistle whilst abang dosh duduk hotel ilham dengan family dia. Along dengan J-Boy pergi swimming kat pool so, aku dengan kak long je lah yang tinggal dalam bilik tu. Duduk punya duduk, tengok bola pun tak function jugak, aku grab camera, terus turun pergi pool. And that time, takde orang -.- Tapi aku tahu diorang mungking kat Lounge sebab ada band playing malam tu. Aku pun jalan sorang-sorang kat situ. Ada lampu pun sikit je.. Pehh memang seram pun ada :D Hahaha. Rupanya, J-Boy swimming (or should I say berendam) kat pool dewasa depan lounge tu. Orang suruh dia berenang, dia kata takut. lol dah besar pun takut gelap -__-
Dalam pukul 9 kot, band tu dah start playing. Suara diorang tu.......... BOLEH lah. Hahaha sedap tak sedap, dengar jugak. Snapping-snapping kat situ. Tapi gambar kat dalam camera -.- Tak boleh nak upload :/ K takpe, kitorang order drinks je lah. Sebab memang nak saving. Duit aku tinggal RM20 je kot v_v Nasib kak nor belanja. Hihi maseh :* Sesudah mata aku mengantuk, aku terus naik atas bilik duduk sorang-sorang. Takut pun, takut lah jugak sebab balcony dia takde lampu kan? So gelap semacam je.

Lol. Kak nor suruh buat macam ni. Aku je yang cacat sebab badan tak stabil; taknak air masuk hidung punya pasal.

Hari ke dua, aku bangun awal lah jugak. Tak silap pukul 7 lebih. Pergi toilet, tukar baju, berus gigi dan pergi beach terus! Masa tu air pasang so, takde ombak. Masa tu, pergi dalam sikit memang paras dada lah. Pasir dia rasa berminyak. Bila tanya abang dosh, dia kata lumpur. So, kak jehan suruh aku buat spa, sapu kat muka dia. Dah lam sangat, siapa entah cakap tu minyak dari bot apa entah. Hehe :b Tapi aku rasa bukan kot sebab minyak lain. Hah, yang penting aku tak kena :B Lama gila mandi, tetiba ada ''''abang'''' ni bawak banana boat! Memang exited lah sebab tiga-tiga tak pernah naik. Time tu pulak, abang dosh dah balik hotel dia sebab nak check out.
Masa dah ready semua, tak cukup orang pulaaaakkk. Sebab minimum 4 orang so, RM80. Kitorang pulak bertiga je. Jadi, ''''abang'''' tu pergi pujuk satu family ni. Tapi, sebab depa ada anak kecil-kecil, diorang tak naik pun banana boat tu. Depa just naik boat dengan ''''abang'''' tu. First experience, so memang jakun ah :B Cuak pun ada sebab takut nak jatuh tu T_T Lama punya lama, aku pandang belakang, tetiba WUSHHH tergolek T_________T Habis hidung aku masuk air. Pehh, fikir lepas last-last terapung. (Duhh, pakai life jacket kot -.-) *tampar pipi* Masa nak naik balik, hahaha memang susah gila xD Then, naik lagi wush wush muka aku kena air banyak sebab duduk depan sekali -.- Masa last ''''abang'''' tu nak jatuhkan kitorang, dia acacah buat. Tapi tak jatuh pun. Fikir over dah, last-last tergolek jugak kitorang. Daaaaaaaaannnn, kaki aku kena batu karang dan kulit terkopak :'( Berdarah tu tak lah banyak, tapi pedih pehh -.-
Lepas dah bosan mandi laut, aku dengan kak jehan pergi swimming pool dia pulak. Kitorang mandi yang 2.0m punya. Tak sangka dalam gila +.+ Aku dah terhenjut-henjut lompat-lompat sebab taknak lemas x') Dekat tengah tengah swimming pool dia, ada pool bar, tapi tak bukak pun -.- No function bina benda tu, tapi tak bukak okay?! Zzzz haha demanding betul aku :b Aroung 12, kitorang naik sebab nak check out juga.

So this is the pool. Picture credit to owner sebab aku tak boleh upload gambar yang aku snap -.-

Basically, it was a fun holiday :') Thanks to kak nor and kak jehan for the best weekend ever! :* Hope one day, dapat pergi cuti macam ni lagi :') Haa that's it then. 

Oh! Masa senja hari pertama kat PD tu, aku ada buat puisi :-
Ombak yang datang, bagaikan ombak rindu, rinduku kepadamu... Matahari yang terbenam sungguh indah, seindah senyumanmu wahai kekasih :b

HAHAHAH jiwang tak? :) Okay then, gtg now ciao :*
xoxo, H (bajet istanbul aku datang)
a strong person knows how to keep their life in line. with tears in their eyes, still manages to say "nah, i'm fine."

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